Cyber Crime Bill

Courtesy: Social Media


National Assembly passed the cyber crime bill that is going to become a law once it’s approved by Senate and then authorized by President of Pakistan.

At this point, when there are new laws relating to internet, smartphones and overall web, it is extremely important for you to know them or you can land yourself into a horrific situation unintentionally or out of ignorance.

Read following carefully:

Unauthorized access to anyone’s phone, laptop etc. can put you behind the bars for three months or a fine of Rs. 50,000 imposed or both

Unauthorized copying of anyone’s data can put you behind bars for six months or a fine of Rs. 100,000 imposed or both

Damaging data of anyone’s phone, laptop etc. can put you behind bars for two years or a fine of up to Rs. 500,000 or both

Unauthorized access to critical data (such as govt website) can land you in jail for up to three years or a fine of up to Rs. 1 Million or both

Unauthorized copying of critical data can put you behind bars for up to five years or with a fine of Rs. 5 million rupees or both

Damaging Critical Data can land you in jail for seven years or with a fine of up to Rs. 10 million or both

Glorification of an offense and hate speech (religious or ethnic) can get you jail sentence for up to five years or fine up to Rs. 10 million or both

Cyber Terrorism: Whoever commits or threatens to commit any of the offenses such as damaging critical data, spreading hate speech can get you 14 years in jail or up to Rs. 50 million in fine or both

Electronic Forgery can get you a jail sentence of three years or a fine up to Rs. 250,000 or both

Electronic Fraud can be sentenced with a jail for a term of two years or a fine of up to Rs. 10 million or both

Making, obtaining, or supplying device for use in offense can get you jail term for up to six months or a fine of Rs. 50,000 or both

Unauthorized use of someone’s identity can land you in jail for three years and a fine of up to Rs. five million or both

Unauthorized Issuance of SIM cards can get you in jail for a term of three years or a fine of Rs. 500,000 or both

Tampering etc. of communicationcan get you jail term of three years or a fine of Rs. 1 million or both

Unauthorized Interception can land you in jail for a term of two years or with fine up to five hundred thousand rupees or with both

Offenses against dignity of a person: Spreading false information of anyone can get you jail for three years or a fine of Rs. one million or both

Displaying or showing a sexually explicit image/video of anyone can land you in jail for seven years or a fine of up to Rs. five million or both

Writing or spreading a malicious code can get you in jail for two years or a fine of Rs. one million or both

Online harassment, vulgar, indecent communication can get you one year in prison for one year or a fine of Rs. 1 million or both

Spamming can get you with a fine not exceeding fifty thousand rupees for the first time. Every subsequent violation shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine up to one million rupees or with both

Spoofing can get you behind the bars for three years or a fine of Rs. 500,000 or both.


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