Don of Dubai & Story of Awais Shah kidnapping & recovery

Courtesy: Social Media


About one month earlier Awais Shah son of Chief Justice Sindh kidnapped from Clifton area while he was coming back from shopping on the way back to home.
Few armed personals wearing police caps kidnapped Awais Shah and disappeared in the one and only cosmopolitical city of Pakistan that is Karachi. Kidnapping of Awais Shah was a high profile incident but motives were not clear as no one accepts the responsibility. Everyone has it’s own viewpoint as per the narrative of political and media statements which were directing towards multi prong directions.
All LAEs including Army not depicting the clear picture and way out to recover son of Chief Justice and after few days another soft target with high portfolio Amjad Sabri shot dead on a busy corridor of his native place Liaqatababd Karachi which delays the investigation of CJ son and many thinks that both the action done by the same group.

🔵Transfer of Victim from karachi to Tank🔵

After the abduction of Awais Shah complete LAEs of Sind got activated and message transfer to all four provinces including province border forces which includes Sindh Rangers and FC Balochistan.

1. Awais Shah after abduction shifted to Gulshan e Hadid in a very high profile Sindh Government official’s residence and on same night transfers to Thatta via National Highway in Police Mobile of Thatta PS. (Rangers noticed the unusual move of Thatta PS mobile)

2. After one week Awais Shah shifted to kahir Pur in Police Mobile via Nawab shah on same National Highway .

3. Meanwhile Amjad sabri shot dead and complete Agencies n LAEs shifted focus to the new incident n abductors got the benefit n shifted the victim to kashmore and some sources says about Larkana.

4. Meanwhile dealing was on to shift the victim to NW and three parties were involved and handing and transferring of money took place while handing over to victim to another party.

5. Sindh Government high officials were involve to facilitate the abductors and safe passage from Sind to KPK.
For the same reason police mobile used in garb of Patrolling and Police high officials were not in picture.

6. Victim was easily transferred to DIK via DG khan n few criminal political persons involve to facilitate the abductors.

7. Army intelligence was on the case and getting evidences from different sources through cyber means n local intelligence n finally they got the clue about the presence of Victim in DIK as cyber crime cell of ISI was sifting all the calls to Afghanistan n NW.

8. And as you all witnessed that as per their routine move they moved out at night and Army intelligence with FC n KPK police were waiting on ten different locations to get hold of criminals and one squadron of Aviation was on zero hour notice to respond on any untoward situation and Army Chief was monitoring himSelf as per the ISPR statement.

Finally Army including LAEs successfully completed the operation and recovery of Awais Shah made possible.

🔴Who was the beneficiary of all This 🔴

As per the horse’s mouth and some very close friends of Asif Zardari who was present in that meeting at Dubai where abduction of Awais Shah planned n senator Qayum somoro previously a very close friend of Maulana Fazal ur Rahman got some connection through Maulana Fazal Ur Rahman to activate Taliban and assure them full support in complete episode and 500000 US $ paid to that group via Maulan Fazal ur Rahman as Maulana Fazal Ur Rahman visited London to meet Asif Ali Zardari.

The sole purpose of abduction is only to force n pressures CJ of sind and Army/Rangers to release Dr Asim and support Ayan Ali out of Pakistan and finish all the cases regarding Awais Muzafar Tappi,Faryal Talpur and Sharjeel Memon and to defame the Army and Rangers and taking them to terms of references against PPP and surety by Army and Rangers on the safe arrival of Asif Ali Zardari to start political move against present Government.

This is all a political game and orchestrated by enemies of Pakistan to destabilize Pakistan n defame Armed forces including police department for their political game.