To: The Prime Minister And His Cabinet of Ministers And The Chief Ministers of Provinces, On behalf of Professionals & Businessmen.

Source: "Unknown"


From: Unknown Citizen

Sir, I am sending you some facts, May I draw your kind attention.
We are not doing Tax ‘”Chori”‘ … this is Tax saving (a bit of evading too) .
This is to ensure security of our family, kids and their future for any adversity.

1. We bought Generators/Inverter/UPS to my houses .. because Govt. failed to provide constant Electricity.
2. We installed Water Motors / Submersible Pumps .. because Govt. Failed to provide Water.
3. We hired own security Guards .. because Govt. Failed to provide Security.
4. We made Public / Private Schools.. because Govt failed to provide Good Education .
5. We made Hospitals to avail proper care and treatment .. because Govt. failed to provide Good Hospitals, The Govt Ministers and Elites go abroad for every treatment.
6. We bought  Cars because Govt. failed to Provide good Transportation Finally, What the Tax Payer gets in Return at the retirement, when he needs most to survive ?? Nothing , no social security. But instead all his life his hard earned income resource is used by Government to distribute subsidies and free distribution in the name of welfare schemes among masses to buy “free votes” to those who dont pay any taxes.

Above all what govt do with our (tax) money? Open courts-which do not give judgement Open police station-which work’s for politicians Open hospital which do not treat us Build roads in which 40-100% corruption Endless list Like Western developed Countries if Pak Government could provide all the above Why would anyone Save Taxes ????

We All know that the Major Tax revenue of Taxes are consumed by Government Officials and Politicians ( Billions of Dollars are lying in foreign Banks) .

A manufacturer works at a margin of between 2% to 10% , whereas government needs 30% of his income to cover it’s expenditures. How fair it is all ??

That’s the reason no one wants to pay Taxes .We save Taxes for our Necessities , for our own old age , for our safety , security and this phenomenon is the sign of failure of a Government of the State in discharging it’s own functions fairly and efficiently. Government is alone is responsible for this.