Root cause of all problems Our Judicial System


By Ahmad Jawad

Why do we forget to question root cause of all problems; our Judicial System.

A country which has 17 Judges in Supreme Court,  about 200 Judges in 6 High Courts, Number of Tribunals, Chief Justice AJK, Shariat Courts, Wafaqi Mohtasib, Provincial Mohtasibs, Tax Mohtasib, Banking Mohtasib, NAB, about 10 regulating authorities, District & Civil Courts all across the country. But justice is scarce & invisible. While Poor people get rotten without justice, Rich buy justice and Influential get justice at their door step. In my opinion, Civil & Military rules with Civil establishment has a fluctuating graph of good & bad governance. But Judicial System is as ineffective & stagnant as it was 69 years old. Our Judicial System is at the top of list to damage this country. Millions of cases are pending since years. Criminals & Terrorists get relief & stay orders from higher courts without ever getting penalised.Nation fully  supported judiciary giving blood & sweat! Alas in vain.Why do we forget to question Judicial System system. Why do we forget to question root cause of all problems; our Judicial System.