Once our rulers were normal human beings


Following is the write up of Naval ADC to President Ayub Khan, of their official visit to USA

Since I accompanied Ayub Khan as his NAVAL ADC, allow me the following for knowledge.

A. We travelled by PIA commercial flight which proceeded on schedule with full load of passengers. Ayub Khan shook hand with every passenger once flight was airborne. President shared toilet with other first class passengers and no one was offloaded for any reason.
B. For transit stop at London (both ways)President stayed with High Commissioner and I roughed it out in small room next door.
C. There were only about dozen people in official delegation including one lady ( daughter Nasim). NO MAIDS.She will help herself with borrowed iron from hotel.Only one batman(Havaldar Abdus Salam) and because of language problem I mostly helped him out. For short trips outside Washington needing change of dress etc President helped himself,politely asking for my assistance if required.
D. Any body taking Spouse in delegation paid for it. This is absolutely correct.
E. Strict Code of Conduct was expected from Delegation Members including Personal Staff. During one such visit a VIP was sent back to Pakistan by next flight because he overslept??
F. Though unbelievable yet it is true that President never went for shopping. Some ties and shirts were purchased by personal staff from his personal account. During my tenure at least shopping for President never exceeded couple of hundred Pounds.
Let me add another point that in Ayub Khan time office of ADCs and their living quarters were not air conditioned as we were not entitled according to our rank. Can you believe this?
NOW COMPARE THE ROYAL STYLE OF OUR RULERS FROM 1972 onwards…..of course present ones have beaten all record for spending Taxpayers money.

Vice Adm Ahmad Tasnim