SOS Children’s Village

A loving home for every child!

Every child belongs to a family

Family is the heart of society. Within a family, each child is protected and enjoys a sense of belonging. Here, children learn values, share responsibilities and form life-long relationships. A family environment gives them a solid foundation on which to build their lives.

Every child grows with love

Through love and acceptance, emotional wounds are healed and confidence is built. Children learn to trust and believe in themselves and others. With this self-assurance, each child can recognise and fulfill his or her potential.

Every child grows with respect

Each child’s voice is heard and taken seriously. Children participate in making decisions that affect their lives and are guided to take a leading role in their own development. The child grows with respect and dignity as a cherished member of his or her family and society.

Every child grows with security

Children are protected from abuse, neglect and exploitation and are kept safe during natural disaster and war. Children have shelter, food, health care and education. These are the basic requirements for the sound development of all children.


The idea of the SOS Children’s Village is an important milestone in the development of a modern approach towards the welfare of children.

Deprived of their natural parents, children are placed in an environment which is as close as possible to a natural home. SOS Children’s Villages meet this need by providing them with loving care, security, higher education and job-training. This allows them to live normal lives and a sense of confidence is instilled in them that develops their full potential.

The organisation is working towards the goal of one day being able to provide shelter to every deserving child in the country. This is a realistic target as the organisation admits only those children who are either complete orphans or, categorised as ‘social’ orphans. Social orphans are the result of the mother being remarried or having an incurable disease or mental illness and, as a consequence, being unable to provide for the children.


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