Three years of freedom & honour in the history of a slave nation


Zarb Azab, CPEC & terminating Indian-Afghan intelligence network within Pakistan is not compatible to US format & design of controlling Pakistan since 68 years. China is a global frustration to US hegemony, whereas CPEC would give tremendous strength to Chinese dominance. Pakistan should be ready to face wrath of US fully supported by India, Afghanistan, Iran & agents inside Pakistan. Mullah Mansoor episode & restriction on Military sale to Pakistan are reflection of such wrath. We can not only survive  rather continue to grow if we have leaders like Raheel Sharif. His retirement is being waited by US, India, Afghanistan, Iran & their agents in Pakistan anxiously.

These 3 years might be remembered as 3 years of a free nation. We will soon be an obedient servant of US after end of this year. We need a leader like Raheel Sharif or Tayyip Erdogan in our political leadership to lead us to glory & honour. Unfortunately Political system of Pakistan can only absorb Status Quo. Imran Khan & Raheel Sharif both are reaction to 68 years of slavery. One will retire soon, other will not be able to win over the political obstacles at Sindh, Karachi, Baluchistan & feudal part of Punjab. Despite all gloomy picture, nation has witnessed the option of living like a honourable nation through the eyes of Raheel Sharif & Imran Khan. Electronic Media & Social Media provided lenses to see this rare show. Sometimes witnessing leadership & honour wake up a nation from deep sleep. Lets hope on this account – Ahmad Jawad