Our weak health care system cannot sustain huge Corona patients after 30 May, there are few anti viral proven drugs available in the world. If we make them available at all medical stores, it is like a stitch in time saves nine. No hospital in USA & UK admit Corona patients unless they are seriously critical requiring ventilator & life saving treatment, until that, it’s all about self treatment & self medication in emergency which could be one of the following medicines.

  1. Chloroquine approved by US FDA
  2. Favilavir & Arbidol are first approved anti coronavirus drugs successfully used in Wuhan China.

I am no expert, but my common sense says that when life is threatened, and there are limited options, we take the available option. There is no vaccine, but these are anti viral drugs which were successfully used on Corona patients in Wuhan and has been approved in USA for emergency use.

Foresight of threats and possible solution gives us timely strategy. I am pushing this proposal on all possible forums.

Hope all health forums start imagining a situation now, with hundreds of thousands of Corona patients on streets & roads with no treatment or Quarantine or medical advise.

Should we not prepare & make nation aware of such very much possible scenario?

Civil Defence is well established idea used during wars on how to save & protect civilians in different eventualities. We need to develop similar idea now against Corona Virus.