Chief of Army Staff on CPEC


“Bismillah Irrakhman Nirraheem”
Nawab Sana UllahZehri,
Chief Minister of Balochistan,
Commander Southern Command, Excellencies, Respected participants of the Seminar, Ladies and Gentlemen.
it is indeed a matter of great honour and privilege for me to be part of this august gathering. I am thankful to the Govt of Balochistan, HQ Southern Command and organizers of this Seminar for giving me the opportunity to attend this event of immense significance
I am also grateful to the participants for their candid views and worthwhile ideas which will help us in optimizing the tue potential of this project.
CPEC is the grand manifestation of the deep-rooted ties between China and Pakistan. Much larger than its bilateral benefits, CPEC is indeed a corridor of peace & prosperity, not only for the people of Pakistan & China but also for the region and beyond. It will bind all these nations together and bring about an economic transformation through enhanced connectivity.
Ladies and Gentlemen, having passed through tough fight against terrorism, we have now come a long way in our struggle for stability and development. As you all know, Op Zarb-e-Azb is in progress, and let me say with satisfaction, that we are in the final stages of our military operation in FATA.
I take pride in mentioning the strong resolve and sacrifices offered by the people, Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies, and our gallant armed forces. Ladies and Gentlemen, Op Zarb-e-Azb is not only an operation but a wholesome concept. It ultimately aims at breaking the syndicate of terrorism, extremism and corruption. I urge the international community to not only acknowledge our successes and sacrifices, but also come forward in blocking external help to these terrorist organizations and their facilitators, abettors and financiers.
With relative stability achieved, environment is now set for launching of development prong
CPEC is a lifetime opportunity for Pakistan to improve the socio-economic equation of its underprivileged areas and populace. I assure the people of Balochistan that it is they,who will benefit the most from the fruits of this project.
In my belief,CPEC is poised to bring a true economic transformation to the Province. In the place of today’s rugged mountains and lifeless barren deserts, we look forward to the emergence of modern infrastructure, special economic zones, health facilities and universities which will bring enduring benefits for our people.
It is pertinent to mention that, though Gwadar is central to the broader conception of CPEC, the corridor itself ranges from Western China to the plains and coasts of Pakistan and promises to bring prosperity to the remotest areas of Pakistan from Gilgit-Baltistan to Balochistan.
For sustainability of this project, transparency and good management are extremely important. Socio-economic justice resulting from the balanced development will also increase people’s stakes in national unity and cohesion. For our enduring progress and prosperity, this sense of coherence will be our greatest asset
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Now, zooming out to the global and regional level, we have seen a wide appreciation of CPEC by many world powers who appreciate the true potential of CPEC as a catalyst of economic transformation of the entire region
At the same time, CPEC has also raised many eyebrows by those competing for influence in the region.
In this context, I must highlight that India,our immediate neighbor, has openly challenged this development initiative.
We all know that hostile intelligence agencies are averse to this grand project. Here, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to make a special reference to Indian Intelligence Agency RAW that is blatantly involved in destabilizing Pakistan. Let me make it clear that we will not allow anyone to create impediments and turbulence in any part of Pakistan. Therefore, it is important for all to leave behind confrontation, and focus on cooperation
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Since the onset of CPEC, Balochistan has seen unprecedented development of communication infrastructure. We mobilized Army Engineers for construction and, Army and Frontier Corpsunits for security of the projects. Over the past two years, six hundred and seventy five kms of roads have already been constructed, while by the end of this year, a total of eight hundred and seventy kms of road infrastructure will be completed by FWO
With Gwadar as pivot, the dividends of CPEC will be reaped not only by Balochistan but shall spread across the entire rim of Indian Ocean Region
As the Chief of Army Staff, I assure you that security of CPEC is our national undertaking and we will not leave any stone unturned. We will continue to keep a close watch at its every step.
To this effect, a fifteen thousand strong dedicated force is already in place under the ambit of Spec Security Division
Ladies and Gentlemen,
CPEC,besides being at the core of our national resolve, is a reflection of Pakistan-China friendship. It will be truly realized, whatever it takes. Insha’Allah this year, we will move Cargo from heartland China to Gwadar and beyond, fulfilling our dream
I have no doubt in my mind that, with the help of God Almighty, Gwadar is set to become a port, worthy of its geo-political significance, transforming our beloved Pakistan into a prosperous state, as envisioned by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
At this point, let me emphasize that our greatest asset is our youth; the hope and future of this great nation. Whatever we build today, we build it for them. The investment that we are making in our youth today, will enable them to take on the challenges of tomorrow and lead this great country to a prosperous future
In the end, I would like to specially thank the brave people of Balochistan, Government officials of the Province, Officers and men of Southern Command and Frontier Corps in transforming the environment which has made possible quick development and paved the way for progess.
May Allah help us in our future endeavours and be our guide and protector
Balochistan Zinda Bad,
Pakistan Painda Bad

Courtesy: Social Media

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