Hunza in the eyes of Ishaq Taihan

Courtesy: Social Media


This man is a resident of Shimshal Valley. He has 3 daughters and 2 sons. Eldest daughter is an Electrical Engineer and currently working in Islamabad. Second one has done her Masters and working in dubai. Third one is doing her bachelors in Gilgit. All had to leave their village and live in hostels to complete education.


Eldest son did his MBA from Florida University and now work for PC Hotel. Second son is a Tourist guide.

Now, few facts about Shimshal Valley:

1) Still no mobile network.
2) Was connected with KKH (Karakoram Highway) in 2003. Before that it took minimum 3          nights for a resident to reach Shimshal Valley.
3) Main source of income agriculture.
4) Shimshal valley lies at an altitude of 3,100 m above sea level and is the highest                    settlement in Hunza Valley.
5) Non availability of electricity for seven months is a big problem of the local community         because during this period they have to rely on kerosene oil, firewood, solar plates and           compressed natural gas in cylinders as an alternative.