NUST students win US design challenge


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A wearable device –developed by three Pakistani students –  which helps tremor patients tackle routine tasks, has won the first position in the Longevity Design Challenge of the Stanford Center.

Held in California, students of National University of Science and Technology (NUST) School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) had been selected as one of the finalists in the competition.

Their device, Tremor Acquisition and Minimisation (TAME), was developed by Awais Shafique, Hooriya Anam and Arsalan Javed. They beat off competition from nine other teams from around the world including those from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Cornell, Virginia Tech and the University of Waterloo.

According to the students, TAME is a wearable device which provides real-time pathological wrist tremor suppression and enables tremor patients to perform routine tasks without any assistance.