Are We Ready to Die?


Source: Social Media

We very well know that none of us is going to live forever; all of us are destined to die; the icy hands of death will spare none. The young and the old young, the sick and the healthy, the rich and the poor are in equal danger to become its prey anytime anywhere.

If death is so imminent and impending, should not we be very well prepared for it? Besides leading our lives as God-fearing people, there are some other spheres as well that need and attention. Some of these include:

1. A will should be made for the assets and wealth that is being left behind. The Qur’an says that this is obligatory for the believers who are leaving behind wealth.

2. A person may be involved in financial obligations and transactions known only to him. This includes borrowing, lending as well as business and work liabilities. A list of all these financial obligations must be documented.

3. A person may have in his or her possession important documents and papers like licenses, agreements, cheque books, old bills etc. Similar is the case of keys and passwords. A list of all these should be made and the heirs guided about them.

4. In case a person wants to, he or she should also make a will to donate body organs that may prove useful for others. This is an act of great virtue.

5. A person should be sensitive about body cleanliness and hygiene. His or her mortal remains will soon be in the hands of people who will bathe these remains, enshroud them and consign them to the grave.